Saturday, 25 April 2020

The Corona virus pandemic-My own experience

Today as i watched TV, there was a program by the seventh day adventist church led by a one Bishop that unfortunately i didn't get his name. The Bishop mentioned that the corona virus pandemic has made him learn that there are four categories of people. I immediately shut down my laptop wjere i was working and listened to what he was saying, yes i love to learn something new form such wise religious men.
The Bishop went ahead to decribe what these types of people are and i qucickly knew where i fall.
he said that category one of these people are those that;

  • Get closer to God and pray without ceasing during hard times like these. That these people remember God only when the situation is tough and act all holy and prayerful than before
He mentioned that the second category of people are those that;
  • Are what he called insensitive. These dont really care about whats going on in the world and are just living everyday as they have been doing. that they are not really worried or concerned at all. they just watch whats happenening on the news and still feel nothing.
now i think this is where i belonged at first. I honestly never cared about this whole thing. Even when they announced the first corona case in my country Uganda. I saw everyone updating their status and people making phone calls all worried and i was like this thing isnt even a big deal. I didnt even for one second think about this pandemic as something to give so much attention, yeah thats how insensitive i was.

The Bishop talked about another category of people as those that;
  • Have stopped praying and believing God saying that If he was truely alive, such things wouldnt have happened. These people lose their faith at the slightest problem and start to doubt if God is even there.
the fourth and last category that the Bishop mentioned was;
  • the people that get their faith strengthened during hard times. My thoughts went directly to my mother who actually gets to belive God more and trust Jesus even more that before durng a problem. 
so, where do you belong?

Personally i belonged to the second category that was insensitive and really unbothered about what was going on until the president announced the first lockdown. things became business unusual and the reality started to hit. My work place closed and we were asked to continue working but from home. The numbers became low and low everyother day and now the fear of the unkown and anxiety attacks started hitting. 
will i hit my targets at the end of the financial year? what if i dont? what will happen to my job?
anyways so many questions lingered thru my mind but i realised im not alone going thru this kind of depression, we are all worried.

however in all this, i decided to look at the brighter side of the lockdown and the blessings it has presented to me.
  • I get to spend alot of time with my immediate family(spouse and son). Especially for my almost 2 year old whom i started leaving behind at three months everyday to go and work and return around 4 or 5 pm. He looks so happy now and growing fatter because i feed him all the time.
  • time to bond with my spouse more because ous is a long distance marriage. we both have to work and somehow we found ourselves in different parts of the country. so when the lockdown was announed he quickly got his way down here where i work.( he didnt carry the corona virus to us and we thank God).
  • Being about 4-5 months pregnant with our second child, im always fatigued and sleepy most of the time so this lockdown presented mt with a chance to get enough rest.
  • staying at home

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