what happened to being extra ordinary? why have we chosen to leave ordinary and average lives when we can choose to be the best versions of ourselves.
I think the reason to why we behave or live like this is because we have tried to get peoples approvals before doing the things that we love to do.Its not right,its a terrible thing to want to be approved first by your parents, societies,teachers or friends before you do that course at university,take up a certain job or career..no its so wrong. break that chain or fear and move onto making your own decisions because you are what matters most.
we have settled for less because we want to impress our parents and the people in our lives not knowing that we are being unfair and even doing injustice to our own dear lives. God gave each of us a life that we are to live fully and we can not waste this one single life we got to trying to live it like we have been told to do.
Do not let anyone decide when you get married,when you get children,who you marry,where to work,what to study etc...make those decisions yourself and you will not regret it.and even if they do not go right,you will not regret as hard as if any one had made them for you.
in order to break this chain binding us of mediocrity,let us do things that set our souls on fire even if nobody likes it but as long as it makes you feel happy,good about yourself because in the end,you are what matters.
Its the comfort my dear.we love being comfortable and not having to give accountability to ourselves.