Thursday, 12 May 2016

Mind blackout!

As i starred outside the window of a certain hall, a lot of things ran through my mind, some of which got me worried and before i knew it, fear had taken a better part of me. i was buried in a couple of thoughts which became questions that i didn't seem to find answers for!My mind blacked out! scary, isn't it?

 after a while, i was awakened by strong sun rays that hit direct to my forehead and i decided to draw the window curtains(in this context, i mean to close.LOL) there and then i turned to face my answer booklet in front of me but something caught my eye! it was a writing on the window seal which read,"PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!" That got me hypnotized! this was written in a clear blue pen by a certain soul out there whom i will never know like forever.
That writing kinda gave me all the answers to the questions that had been lingering in my mind for like the previous couple of minutes. with just that and a little faith, i overcame the fear.Awesome!isn't it? I WAS FREE!

I sat amazed with a grin on my face,its at that time that i heard my lecturer who was now standing besides me funny enough without me noticing, announcing the one hour remaining to the end of the exam. oops!, i exclaimed, i hadn't done the last number of my favorite programming course unit. immediately i put my pen to paper and signed the answers! this time with A FREE MIND

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