Friday, 30 November 2018


Something happened to you dad that created anger,bitterness,sadness,grief in my heart.why did it happen to you that way? you were a nice man, a good father and a good husband and a friend to many.
am so sorry that you had leave,that you had to travel very far away ,away from your beloved family.

you used to tell us that you are afraid your sickness would one day take you away from your family and when all the good things had started coming in.indeed thats exactly what happened.
when all of us your children had got somewhere in this world,when we had started earning a living and being independet,when we had started bringing for you whatever you wanted as a way of saying thankyou for all the sacrifices you made for us...just like that, you left!

dad...sorry for what happened to you.that cruel pain in the leg took you away when we needed you most.we needed your advice, we needed your presence on our parties, we needed you to be happy amd play with your grand kids. but just like that, you left.

i still cant get to terms that you are never going to come back to make us laugh like you used to whenever we had family gatherings..your parents miss you alot we miss you dad.

we can not question God why he had to take you away from us but we thank him for the time that we spent with was priceless.

we were so broken when we saw you lifeless,closing your eyes and looking like that in that place where they kept was sad,the pain was unbearable..we cant believe that was you were happy and full of life just a few days before that fatefull day .sorry dad for what happened to you.we couldnt do anything about it,we saw you becoming different but we didnt see anything like that coming.
we hope you are in a better place dad and may God rest your soul in eternal peace.